Thursday, November 1, 2012

Whisper! I am in LOVE, LOVE LOVE!

$24 80/100 drops
Just got My Whisper today, and I am in Love Love Love.
Just the scent is blissfully delicious

Here's what's in this Essential Oil Blend.
Cistus absolute
Jasmine absolute
Rose absolute
Vanilla bean extract
Ylang Ylang
Here's why it is so Wonderful.
I have been on hormone replacement medication for twenty-five years. A friend of mine has been able to go off her HRT and anti-depressant medications by using this amazing Essential Oil Blend. That is why it is so wonderful, finally a product I can use that is completely natural and works with my body to heal itself!  

dōTERRA  describes Whisper's subtle fragrance in this way.  Once applied Whisper mingles with your own individual scent to enhance the essence that is all your own. For topical or aromatic use.
The following observations about Whisper is from Julia.  Thanks for her thoughtful research.
After doing some research and asking questions about anxiety, I ran across something interesting about Whisper blend that was an eye opener to me! I've always looked at that particular blend as the "women's oil" or natural perfume, but didn't question it. When I was looking at what oils I should suggest for anxiety, well... 

Whisper had the most of those oils!! Here's Whisper pulled apart:
All have anti-pathogenic properties, all have anti-septic properties, all have anti-inflammatory properties.

On absolutes from wikipedea: Similar to essential oils, absolutes are concentrated, highly-aromatic, oily mixtures extracted from plants. Whereas essential oils can typically be produced through steam distillation, absolutes require the use of solvent extraction techniques or more traditionally, through effleurage. Absolutes are usually more concentrated than essential oils. Also, the efficiency and low temperature of the extraction process helps prevent damage to the fragrant compounds. With a good understanding of the solvent they are using, extractors can produce absolutes with aromas closer to the original plant product than is possible with essential oils produced through distillation. 

Patchouli: Helps depression, anxiety, apprehension, compulsiveness, is anti fungal and an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, a circulation decongestant, tissue regeneration, immune stimulant, tonic, relaxing, anti-depressant, sedative, treats anxiety and is an aphrodisiac, febrifuge, and treats diarrhea, acne and scars. This oil is valuable in the treatment of skin conditions and nervous system and for stress related imbalances.

Bergamot: Helps Anxiety, depression stress, tension, emotional imbalance, despondency, negativity, obsession, regret, shyness.. 

Sandalwood: Helps cynicism, recurring dreams, insecurity, irritability, listlessness, nervousness, procrastination, self- centeredness, self-critical, anxiety, tension, mood swings and promotes intuition, perseverance, security, self-esteem. Helps with Balancing, circulation and respiratory decongestant, diuretic, hormone balancer, relaxing, tonic, male aphrodisiac, treats inflamed skin and is a mental upliftment. It is antiseptic, calming, sedative, anti fungal, treats cystitis, coughs, dry skin, weeping/inflamed skin, eczema and athlete's foot. Is called "heart wood" because it comes from the heart of the tree, oily skin, improves lymphatic flow (with Grapefruit) and venous congestion (with Cypress); toning to the muscles and the nerves,  toning muscles, excellent for UTI /bladder infections (great with Lemon and Oregano), internally it will go to the liver to be converted to a water soluble molecule and will then go to the kidneys; great for sperm count and raising testosterone levels; can be topical with heat too. This oil  is beneficial to the respiratory system and skin, especially for fungus related conditions. As a masculine oil, it aids the reproductive system for impotence, the nervous system for stress and anxiety. 

Rose Absolute: Attachment, bereavement, envy grief, irritability, fretfulness, regret, sadness, anxiety, frigidity, depression, insomnia and mental fatigue, and promotes self awareness It is an astringent, antiseptic, it is softening, and a tonic.  It is a female aphrodisiac, hormonal regulator, treats female reproductive problems, and is relaxing, soothing, an anti-depressant and a sedative. It treats PMT, infertility, is anti-inflammatory and helps dry skin. This oil aids in conditions related to the reproductive and nervous systems and the skin.

Jasmine Absolute Helps apathy, lack of concentration, distant, detached feelings, emotional outbursts, jealousy, analytical, rigidity, sadness, secretiveness, shyness, depression , listlessness, nervous debility, anxiety. It is a tonic, astringent, vulneraria, is soothing, relaxing, treats lethargy, and is an aphrodisiac. It is emotionally warming, and analgesic, sedative, is uplifting and helps with coughing, aiding labor contractions and dry skin. This oil is valuable in treating disorders of the reproductive and nervous system as well as the skin and has been called a cell-regenerator. It will help with the elasticity of the skin and will diminish pigmentation on the face when used in conjunction with an exfoliator.

Cinnamon: Helps with held grudges, inability to forgive, debility, depression, infection, pathogens, especially bladder, mouth rinse, gingivitis, surface cleansing, diffusion, speeds body metabolism, digestion,  stimulates circulation, reduce blood sugar, cholesterol (both, reduces lipid production), stomach ulcers (Cinnamon), COX1,2 inhibitor – anti-inflammatory (arthritis). Is a stimulant, aphrodisiac, sudorific, analgesic, antiseptic, antiviral, bactericide, expectorant, emmenagogue, treats parasites, is a nerve tonic, respiratory tonic, circulation stimulant, is warming and an astringent. is skin toning and treats lice and scabies. This oil assist the circulatory system, digestive system, skin and immune system. 

Citrus Absolute: anxiety, debility, insomnia, bitterness, depression, frustration. These types of oils aid the nervous system , digestive system. skeletal system, and skin. its antiseptic properties may benefit other systems where infection may be prevalent such as respiratory or urinary systems. They are also relaxing and relieve headaches. A valuable detoxifier, and benefits the lymphatic system.
Vetiver: Helps with ADD/ADHD and helps calm the mind. Is an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, insect repellent, relaxing, hepatic, calms digestive disturbances, and is also anti- depressant, aphrodisiac, helps with muscular aches, pains, oily skin and stress. This oil is wonderful for the nervous and muscular system in alleviating stress and tension. 

Ylang Ylang: helps with anger, detached feelings, guild, hostility, impatience, irrational behavior, irritability, jealousy, stubbornness, anxiety, depression, frigidity, impotence, tension, post natal depression, rapid breathing, shock, fear. It is anti-spasmodic, balancing in effect, a nerve tonic, an aphrodisiac, sedative, immune stimulant, relaxing , antidepressant, general tonic, helps with high blood pressure and palpitations. Great with Clary Sage for hormones, childbirth, to stimulate uterine contractions, I would choose Lavender for a son.  Ylang Ylang very strong and powerful in very small amounts. This essential oil is beneficial to both the circulatory and nervous systems. 

Cocoa Bean Extract; Cocoa Butter contains natural antioxidants that give it a long shelf life of over 3 years. It is naturally rich in Vitamin E as well as a number of other vitamins and minerals. Vitamin E helps to soothe, hydrate, and balance the skin and also provides the skin collagen which assists with wrinkles and other signs of ageing. Cocoa Butter also contains cocoa mass polyphenol (CMP), a substance that inhibits the production of the immuno globulin IgE. IgE is known to aggravate symptoms of both dermatitis and asthma. For centuries pregnant women have used to Cocoa Butter formulations to prevent and treat stretch marks, but this pleasant-smelling substance is added to countless other topical preparations. Lotions and oils containing Cocoa Butter are often used in aromatherapy massage to promote relaxation and the feeling well-being. Research indicates that massaging the skin with Cocoa Butter may help relieve stress, boost the immune system, and even prevent cancer. This is because Cocoa Butter, like chocolate, contains a lot of CMP and there is some evidence that the CMP in Cocoa Butter may also help prevent heart disease and ease arthritic symptoms. Cocoa Butter is mainly used is a thickening agent and is a common ingredient in lipsticks, soaps and emollient creams. It is also a folk remedy for burns, cough, dry lips, fever, malaria, rheumatism, snakebite and wounds. It is reported to be antiseptic and diuretic. 

Vanilla Bean Extract: Vanilla beans are a misnomer. The long, thin pods of the vanilla orchid are actually the mature fruit of the orchid plant. It is one of the most expensive spices in the world to produce, being both labor and time intensive. The sweet, bland flavor is one of the most popular the world over, and while it is considered plain', it is really a complex layering of sweet and spicy flavors that have been used for centuries to flavor everything from chocolate to milk. 
Twenty-five years ago I was 28 years old, I had two babies (very difficult pregnancies. back-to-back), ages two & three, and then I had a complete hysterectomy and double oophectomy (uterus, tubes, both ovaries and cervix are now gone).  I have been on Hormone Replacement for twenty-five years.  Over the years I've suffered with hormonal imbalance causing emotional issues. I am a very spiritual person and have been thankful for my faith, as I believe it has been my salvation.   
I've tried every kind of medication, both traditional and homeopathic/natural remedies. Recently I went to an doTERRA Essential Oil Class.  FINALLY REAL RELIEF!
Let Me Share With You!

If you would like to attend or host a class contact me!

NOTE:  I provide this product to you at my cost.  Yes! It's true.  I will sell to you at wholesale the same exact price I am paying.  Why? Because I want you to experience this truly amazing "Gift of the Earth" (doTERRA) product for yourself.  I bet you will feel the same as I do.  Just get it into everyone's hands!

doTERRA essential oil products are the highest standard of quality, purity, and safety used in the industry—CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade®.

Order Wholesale directly by Contacting me Personally