Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Shifting Gears ~ Medicine Cabnet Makeover

What is an Essential Oil?
Essential Oils are the natural aromatic compounds found in flowers, leaves, stems, bark, and the roots of plants.  Essentail Oils are nothing less than Nature's Medicine Cabinet.  In comparison, modern medicine is designed to treat symptoms but essential oils help minimize symptoms and address the causes.  They are made from Hundreds of plant components that enhance physical and emotional health. Essential Oils are safe, inexpensive for use, and very effective in offering real people health care solutions." 

Why I Love Them!
They are Natural and Affordable.  Here is a story from a doTERRA Essential Oil user.
Over the last two months, my family has saved HUNDREDS of dollars in medical care thanks to essential oils.   Let me break it down for you with just one example:  In just the last two weeks, both of my kids got pink eye.  Before I learned the Medicine Cabinet Makeover class content, I would have taken the time to make an appointment at the doctor – two separate appointments as they didn’t get it at the same time.  Then, I would have paid a $25 copay per kid, which would have ended up being around $200 per kid when I got the final bill because we have a $500 per person deductible ($1500 total for our family). Not to mention the time and money it would have taken me to get to the store for a prescription eye drop that would have been a nightmare to get in their eyes!
Instead, I went right to my essential oils and put melaleuca and lavender oil around their eyes (on the eye brow area and cheek bone underneath).  I also put OnGuard and the melaleuca and lavender oils on their second and third toes (the areas of the feet connected to the eyes).  For both kids, I only had to do this every few hours for two days and they were completely cleared up!  In total, it cost me a few dollars in essential oils.  I was doing the same on my own feet a couple times, just to make sure I didn’t get it (and I didn’t!).

A Fad? or New concept? 
Historical Use of Essential Oils
Ancient civilizations used plant oils in one form or another, before the emergence of essential oils as we know them today. The earliest recorded use of aromatherapy can be attributed to the use of plants and plant extracts for medicine and personal hygiene in places; records indicate that people in India, Egypt, Greece and the Romans used some form of "aromatherapy." However, it is likely that plant oils were in use long before even these early beginnings and record keeping.

Modern day usage of essential oil usage was defined in France in 1928 by the French Chemist, Rene-Maurice Gattefosse. Amazingly, it was by some accident that Gattefosse "re-discovered" the powerful and  natural effects of what we today commonly call essential oils. Gattefosse severely burned his  hand, whilst carrying out his work, and plunged it into the nearest container, thinking that it was water; in fact it was a vat of lavender
(Lavandula angustifolia). To Gattefosse's surprise, his hand did not bear the burn scarring that he feared.  Gattefosse’s Aromatherapy is accredited as being the first modern book written on the subject of essential oils and was first published in 1937.

Why I choose doTERRA! 
doTERRA essential oil products are the highest standard of quality, purity, and safety used in the industry—CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade®. Every single batch is tested for quality and purity.

My Story!
During a recent outing with a friend, she gave me some "Slim & Sassy" to mix into my water bottle.  I liked the taste, it reminded me of lemongrass.  About fifteen minutes later, not thinking about the water, I said to my friend.  "I feel Good. I just feel Really Good." She laughed and said it's the "Slim & Sassy"!  
"Well, I want more, and I want to know what it is!"  She said; It is a blend of essential oils that curbs the appetite and elevates the mood.  My response, well Yes it Does!  

Stay tuned as that was only the beginning....  Several classes later and a lot of oils later, I have a lot to say about it.  I hope you will enjoy the side trip the backyardcountrygirl is going to take you on...  

At any time Feel Free to Contact me!